23 March 2018

Canon QL

The Canon QL is most famous for a photograph of Marilyn Monroe, looking a little surprised with her white dress blowing in the wind. Marilyn was on her way to the opera in New York City where she was meeting John (John was waiting in the opera house foyer, in disguise, as his wife Jackie thought he was working late). As Marilyn approached the foyer entrance, she passed a Cadillac Eldorado parked at the curb-side. Inside the car was a little girl, the daughter of an advertising executive from Madison Avenue who had just bought a new camera and flash. The girl was playing with the camera while her Dad popped into the drug store to buy cigarettes. Suddenly the flash went off, catching Marilyn by surprise – she nearly jumped out of her skin. The famous pose had been captured. A few weeks later, when the film was processed, the ad exec realised what he had. He immediately put the photo and negative into an envelope and posted them straight to Marilyn, apologising for the breach of privacy. Marilyn wrote back and said 'no worries' and posted the photo on her Facebook page. It went viral. Marilyn became the first internet sensation. There have been lots of sensations since but Marilyn is still the most famous. 

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